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The Theory of the Cosmic Microwave Background
In this course, we cover the theory of the cosmic microwave background fluctuations. In particular:
- The expanding universe
- Stokes parameters, spin harmonics and E and B modes
- Cosmological perturbations
- Gauge freedom and gauge transformations
- The Boltzmann equation for photons
- The scattering terms of Boltzmann's equation for photons
- The multipole expansion
- The line of sight strategy of solving the multipole hierachy
- The multipole spectrum of temperature and polarization fluctuations
- Finding initial conditions for the fluctuations
- The tight coupling limit before recombination
- Analytic estimates
- If time permits: secondary anisotropies
Lecture Notes
You can download the lecture notes new from 02-05-2010 (without a chapter on secondary anisotropies yet).
Further Literature
- The Cosmic Microwave Background, by Ruth Durrer (2008) ISBN-10: 0521847044
- Principles of Physical Cosmology by P.J.E Peebles (1993) ISBN-10: 0691019339
- Fluctuations in the Cosmic Microwave Background, Matthias Zaldarriaga's Thesis
- Gauge Invariant Cosmological Perturbations, J. M. Bardeen (1980), Phys.Rev.D22:1882-1905,1980
Credit Points
Master students may acquire 4 credit points subject to a written exam at the end of the course.